时间:2021-5-16 7:48:16您的满意就是我们的成功!欢迎您的咨询,竭诚为您服务,为您省力省费用!
总部位于深圳, 在东莞、上海、天津等地均设有办事处, 在国内各港口拥有成熟的服务网络, 在满足现有客户的需求下, 随着公司业务的不断发展, 公司将持续加大人力、物力、财力的投入, 进一步开拓市场, 为更多的客户提供优质的物流服务, 与客户互利共赢, 共创美好明天。公司立足于中国市场,航线覆盖全球主要港口,主要为客户提供特种柜、件杂运输、散货租船等海上运输业务。公司特种柜主要经营从国内至全球的超尺寸货物,如机械、罐体、钢结构等运输;件杂运输主要经营东南亚、中东、非洲、中南美的游艇、车辆、设备、钢材等运输;散货租船主要运营东南亚及印度的大宗散货运输All the tanks owned by Hengcheng have ISO quality certification, so we can provide ADR,AIR inspection report. We also can finish the tank inspection and put into use in shortest time. In the tank selection, modification, testing, maintenance phase, Hengcheng arranges the professional technician to inspect, supervise, take pictures and provide technical guidance on site in order to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the tank. And all the tanks have been covered insurance, which can greatly reduce possible risks in the actual operation. Hengcheng has the perfect tank tracking system, so we can update the tank status to the customers in time to control the business. In the major overseas ports, Hengcheng can also provide customers the professional cleaning, maintenance, annual inspection and test services in the depots.